
We utilize the latest technology.... cloud computing!

All you have to do is:

1. Submit your order

2. Your order is processed, and completed in 24 hours.

3. Once it is finished we save the file in a folder that you can view from your computer.

No web browser or login is needed, it goes straight to your computer!

It's like having an in-house digitizer!

To find out more, click on see our technology.


It all started in 1995, a different time in the embroidery industry. The average price for digitizing was $14 per thousand stitches,the internet was in it's infancy. Our focus then was the same as it is today, quality designs, and good customer service using the latest technology to better serve our customers. Over the years technology has changed but our core values of  quality design, and good customer service have not! 


Our Quality starts with having a finished design that you are proud to present to your customer. Over the years our reputation as a leading digitizing and vector art provider, has given our customers the confidence to handle their most prestigious projects.

In addition we handle the designs with production in mind. Our aim is to help make you as profitable as possible.

We understand that these 2 ingredients are essential but the glue that holds it all together is communication. At See Our Designs a knowledgable digitizer or artist is only a phone call or an email away. 
